Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?


Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

there are a few false assumptions that may be read into your statement.


Firstly, your statement seems to apply to ALL Australian sellers.  It should have been โ€œwhy do some Australian Sellerโ€™s . . . . . โ€œ as many Aussie sellers do leave f/b upon payment.


Secondly, I donโ€™t think that it is only Australian sellers who might choose to wait for buyers to leave feedback first (for whatever reason)


Thirdly, your statement seems to take a position that sellers should leave f/b as soon as payment is made.  Leaving f/b is voluntary.



There are many reasons, and some have already been given, and these boards have highlighted situations where it was not a good idea to leave f/b upon payment.  Some of these include:


- a situation where a buyer made a credit card chargeback 6 weeks after payment and received the item



- a situation where a buyer supplied a wrong address and the item was returned to the seller.  Buyer got nasty and insisted on the item being re-sent then demanded refund as well.



- an overseas buyer bought two expensive cutlery sets totalling over $2000.  Upon arrival the buyer put in claims for Item Not As Described and won one case but not the other.  The seller was out of pocket by somewhere near $1400.



- an overseas buyer buys an expensive mobile phone.  Long story short, they make a claim then return a different phone.  Put the seller through hell, and sent nasty messages.



I could list more examples of where a seller would regret giving feedback for a buyer as soon as the buyer had paid, but I think four should be plenty.


For the record, I blame eBay for much of the discontent between buyers and sellers, which may explain a reluctance to leave feedback as soon a buyer pays for an item.

- They have created an environment where many members are too scared to sell on eBay, and where buyers are told that eBay will refund them readily,

- They have made selling on eBay too risky for those who sell low priced items that are sent without tracking,

- They have given buyers unrealistic expectations regarding delivery timeframes and tell them if it doesnโ€™t arrive within these fanciful timeframes they will get their money back, 

- They allow buyers to leave dishonest feedback.  On another ID I had a buyer lie in f/b, and when I provided evidence to eBay that the f/b was dishonest they replied with โ€œWe realize members may leave feedback that is unfair or untruthful, but again, we do not remove feedback for being unfair or untruthful โ€.


Message 21 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?



 sometimes we can miss out on repeat buyers by treating all buyers like bad buyers.

How is not leaving feedback upon payment treating someone like a bad buyer, though?  


Digi -  I never said that ALL sellers who hold back on feedback do it for this reason but clearly some do.  Some of the comments in this thread include:


"Totally understand why many choose not too, given there being so many scammers falsely saying an item never arrived,or was damaged"

"but there are also a lot of people making false claims so they can get freebies"

"This is due to post-sales shenanigans from buyers who have left negative feedback after we have left positive feedback for them."

"The payment is only the start. Buyers can (and some do) abuse the ebay & paypal conditions. They will wear clothes then demand a refund or they'll claim things didn't arrive when they really did or they... well, there are a dozen dodgy things they can do to claw back some or all of their money."


And I have no problem if sellers who experience these situations choose to withold feedback until they receive confirmation from the buyer that all is good with the transaction.  


To me that's making a few too many presumptions about the motivations behind someone else's decisions, and still plays into the suggestion that buyers are owed positive feedback


My view is that buyers are not OWED positive feedback but I feel it is good for my business for me to provide postive feedback once a buyer has paid. Others should do what they think is good for their business.


... and it's also a bit like thinking when I go into a store and see a big sign up saying something like "Shoplifters will be prosecuted", automatically assuming they think all customers are thieves...  


Smiley Very Happy I normally like your analogies ...




The point I was trying to make (not very well) is that (for me) I do not let the occasional bad experience determine my practice towards all buyers and (for me) giving positive feedback is appropriate and is good practice once a buyer pays. Many buyers seem to like it - not many if any dislike it. 


Message 22 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

okay, I understand that many members would not have the time to look further into the example I gave so I will provide some screengrabs to show what I was on about.


For this example:


- an overseas buyer bought two expensive cutlery sets totalling over $2000.  Upon arrival the buyer put in claims for Item Not As Described and won one case but not the other.  The seller was out of pocket by somewhere near $1400


Here is the f/b the seller left for the buyer.  The removed comments were made after case was closed and subsequently removed by eBay.






and here here is the f/b the buyer left






Now tell me, should the seller have left that f/b once the buyer paid?



And then there is this example:

- a situation where a buyer supplied a wrong address and the item was returned to the seller. Buyer got nasty and insisted on the item being re-sent then demanded refund as well.


Here is the f/b the seller left the buyer:




and here is the f/b the buyer left:





Now tell me, should the seller have left that f/b once the buyer paid?




(I have covered member IDs in the screengrabs, but those IDs are the IDs of the members that started those threads)









Message 23 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

The only time i hope i get feedback is when i sell to someone overseas and i discover the tracking ends once our post office hands it over to whoever it is in another country. usually europe. if i dont get feedback i have no idea if the item has been delivered or if the buyer is happy.


as we know, buyers have a long time to make a claim, so without that 'your item was delivered today' message i have to cross my fingers and hope it was delivered and the buyer is happy. or at any moment i could get a 'where is my item' message.


i dont know the plan for 'yes i sent with tracking but no i dont know where it is after it left australia' is.

Message 24 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?



The point I was trying to make (not very well) is that (for me) I do not let the occasional bad experience determine my practice towards all buyers and (for me) giving positive feedback is appropriate and is good practice once a buyer pays. Many buyers seem to like it - not many if any dislike it. 


Apologies - I misinterpreted where you were coming from by virtue of neglecting the context. Smiley Embarassed


But for what it's worth I actually agree with you, at least it's how I approach it, though I worded it in a much more jaded fashion (I really need a holiday Smiley LOL )  I definitely have had some buyers who - if my practices were different - never would have received a green dot from me, but in the grand scheme of things the absence of one would have been irrelevant IMHO, so the presence of one is not much less so. Plus, if the situation calls for it, carefully worded follow-ups stand out quite a bit, and those are easier to leave if the initial comment is already there. 


I'll always argue the "each to their own" side when the debate comes up, though, as likewise I completely understand and respect the reasoning behind both approaches. 

Message 25 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?



Once upon a time, eBay was a community of buyers, sellers, and those who were both. The community flourished (admittedly with some hiccups - human nature being what it is).

At its best, the system of relying on feedback worked well. Those who sold good quality items (or at any rate the item which the buyer wanted) for a good price (one which the buyer saw as a bargain and the seller saw as being a decent amount that he/she was willing to accept) were lauded by happy purchasers. Those who purchased and paid within a reasonable amount of time and dealt honestly with the seller were lauded by happy sellers.

Of course, wicked sellers were also noted by a string of negative feedback, which genuinely served as a warning to fellow buyers. Purchasers who were as putrid as a carbuncle on the tongue of a toad were likewise revealed by the negative feedback that followed them. Thus were buyers and sellers both able in the main to recognise those who did wicked things.

At its worst, it was open to exploitation admittedly. But in those days, mutual feedback served a real function.

Those were simpler times - when the system itself created an expectation of honesty, a sort of self-limiting community abiding by the community rules of eBay. But over time, those who sought to take advantage of the system began to proliferate.

Then one day, eBay began to tinker.

tinker tinker tinker

Some of the changes (a little change here, a little change there) were purportedy to improve the buyer experience (make eBay safer for members), and I think it did probably begin that way to some extent. Some of the changes were almost certainly necessary. But not all. After all, at the heart of the changes (cumulatively speaking) is eBay's bottom line - profit.

Those changes have culminated in present-day eBay where buyers have far more power over the transaction than they used to, and sellers have far less power. There's a basic inequity. It's got even worse with the latest round of changes, and I think the worst aspect of those changes is the seller's inability - without high risk of being penalised and disadvantaged in the attempt - to contest a clear case of buyer's remorse, buyer's scam, or buyer's flat-out bad behaviour.

I don't blame sellers for not leaving feedback as soon as payment has made. There's a long, long road to travel after the buyer makes payment - and that's not even touching on whether feedback for buyers has any real point at all, other than giving gratuitous gratification for someone clicking a BUY IT NOW button and a PAY NOW button.

DISCLAIMER: I'm a buyer, not a seller. I consider feedback irrelevant nowadays for buyers, and would not be unhappy to see it done away with entirely for the buyer, given the current circumstances.I buy to receive goods, not comments about how I'm fantastic, amazing and excellent, eBay's best ever buyer with scrolls, curlicues and floral arabesques (nice though such comments are...)

Message 26 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

Ebay might as well do away with sellers leaving feedback for buyers. It is not feedback when the only option is a positive rating/comment.

Once upon a time sellers could leave negative & neutral feedback (for non-payeres etc. Ebay have forgotten what the actual meaning of feedback is.

Message 27 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

I am an Australian Seller, and I always leave feedback as soon as I get payment. I consider this a matter of courtesy. However, I have many buyers who never leave feedback, even though I politely ask them  to let me know when they receive their item.  They expect sellers to be mind readers and know that they have got their item and are happy with it. It is particularly worrying if the parcel has been "safe Dropped" I consider these buyers to be downright inconsiderate and rude. As a buyer, I always leave feedback for the seller, and do so promptly, the same day the item arrives. I know that some sellers also never leave feedback, which is equally as rude in my opinion. A "thank you for your purchase", or "thank you I got my item" is not difficult, I just get the impression that some people are incapable of saying a simple "thank you"

Message 28 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?

Yes, the seller should have left feedback when the buyer paid. If I went into a store and paid for an item and the Seller snatched my money out of my hand, without a simple "thank you", then I would consider them very rude and never deal with them again. If they did this in anticipation that I would return at some future time and complain about the item, I would consider they had some sort of mental problem. A follow up to feedback can always be left, and if the seller chooses to use profanity, then of course, it would be removed.

Sensible, honest, follow up feedback, can be left re problems and others can see this and draw their own conclusions.  Once a buyer pays, they have done their part and if feedback is left, I think it sets the tone for a positive outcome, and they are more likely to not fly off the handle if things go wrong, but discuss it with you and try to come to a mutually agreeable solution.  Payment should not be conditional on whether the buyer is happy with the item. This could be that the seller is at fault for eg. a damaged item that was poorly wrapped, an item incorrectly described etc. etc. I believe if you treat people with respect then you are more likely to get respect in return. Witholding feedback until the buyer leaves positive feedback, is in my opinion, counter productive.  Many buyers feel annoyed that their payment was "snatched" from them without a thank-you, at least that is how I always felt, when I was a newbie, and I know I am not alone in this. These days it doesn't worry me, but I always think more highly of the seller who acknowledges my payment, or lets me know when they will be sending the item.

Message 29 of 40
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Re: Why do Australian Sellers not leave feed back as soon as payment is made?


Yes, the seller should have left feedback when the buyer paid. If I went into a store and paid for an item and the Seller snatched my money out of my hand, without a simple "thank you", then I would consider them very rude and never deal with them again.

Personally, when it comes to feedback, I don't think there's any "should" about it (and neither does eBay, just as a matter of interest), and I don't think comparing an online transaction to a cashier snatching money out of someone's hand and not thanking them is remotely similar to no FB being left - there's no snatching of money at all in an online transaction, the seller isn't even directly involved in that process (as in, they're not facilitaing the transfer personally. It's a bit like saying balling up a piece of paper and tossing it in a wastebasket means the wastebasket "snatched" the paper - no, it was there, it offered a receptacle for the paper, and passively accepted it without doing anything at all, because it can't do anything but accept it....if your aim is true, anyhow Smiley Very Happy).


There are a lot of ways a seller can thank a buyer for their purchase, the funny thing is, when I used to send a personalised message thanking people for buying, and advising of a postage date, they still wanted their green dot. 


Message 30 of 40
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