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International Sales Crash Posting out of Australia

We normally get anywhere from 15 to 20 International sales A day - Mainly the USA, but this dropped around a month ago to 2 or 3 a day. Anyone else experiencing this or know if the overseas sites have made changes that would effect this? Thx JB

Ebay postage price estimates incorrect

Are we able to set our own postage rates when listing items from a mobile phone?I have listed a few items and selected an AusPost 3kg prepaid bag as the option. Ebay lists this as $12 something postage. However Auspost 3kg bags are $13.80 each.Is the...

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Bidders who were blocked.

I remember being able to see a list of blocked bids, showing who was blocked and why., but now I can't find it. Anyone know how to find it?

Ebay so slow today. .

And relists option won't load no matter how many time I try to edit. Cleaned the c&cs and tried 3 different browsers. Anyone else having problems? All other sites are fine.

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Why can a buyer open a not received item dispute after they have left positive feedback ?

I have a buyer who left positive feedback - 'excellent quality and fast delivery' and now a week later they have opened a did not receive item dispute. I wonder how this can even be possible in the system. But once again funds are frozen and I can't ...

Resolved! Hi - What are insertion fee promotions?

Hi I noticed Ebay has charged me in excess of $10 for insertion fee promotions? Does the insertion fee promotion have anything to do with free listing of items. I relisting 3-4 items several times. I thought this was free. Please advise. Thanks. JK_1...

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Responding to a return request

I've recieved a message from eBay "BUYER let us know that they want to return item Toyota Corona Tail Lights (pair) 1979 - 1983 sixth gen XT130 Sedan for a refund." But when i click on the "See request details" I get an error message"We couldn't proc...

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Stipulating countries to sell to

Hi guys, just wondering how you stipulate which countries you want to sell to?In the past I used to be able to.I don't have a desktop computer any more and use my android phone instead.When I list there is an option for worldwide shipping but you can...

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Stores number of listings

Hi I have a basic store and I have over 400 items listed and I am a little concerned that I am close to the maximumn listings quantity allowed. I have searched but cannot find where it states the number of listings each store package type can have. C...

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Item not received dispute

Hi guys, just wondering where I stand with this.I posted an item to a buyer in Canada on April 26. He has today lodged an item not received dispute and asked for a refund. The item was $199 Australian plus postage.Postage to Canada is very expensive ...

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