on 11-12-2018 12:40 PM
When I type in collectables into a post and then I go to spell check it shows collectibles as the correct way to spell it so is spell check US or AU lol.
on 11-12-2018 01:04 PM
on 11-12-2018 01:46 PM
The most frequently used British and Australian spelling is collectable. However, collectible can be used if preferred. The Oxford Dictionary's main entry is -able with -ible as an "also" spelling.
So... you can't go wrong with either!
The US spelling is collectible, as stawka says. I don't think I've ever seen an American spell it with -able.
on 11-12-2018 02:03 PM
I have 'herd' that a lot of boy cows together are collectibulls 🐮🐮🐮
on 11-12-2018 02:47 PM
@enigmabear wrote:I have 'herd' that a lot of boy cows together are collectibulls 🐮🐮🐮
You've spelt that last word wrong. It should be an 'a', not 'u'.
on 11-12-2018 02:53 PM
It always comes back to the 'a'
on 11-12-2018 03:02 PM
on 11-12-2018 03:16 PM
But I do worry about 'edible', for more than one reason.
on 11-12-2018 03:39 PM
If you stay away from cannibals (spelled with an "a", you see...), then some of your worries should be assuaged.
But wait... you should also stay away from ravenous tigers, sharks, and human flesh-eating slug-faced monsters from the planet Blkzwekxbl.
on 11-12-2018 04:53 PM
@brerrabbit585 wrote:
It should probably have two a's in that case. My reasoning is that ollectable means able to be collected. 🙂
That's the reasoning behind the word,(able to collect).
The Yanks are a lazy bunch when it come to the English language and have created some of their own so it's
easier to say certain words,(totally wrong but that's yanks for you),