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Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Seems like they are being punished instead and life is going to be made harder for them.



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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Well if there are fraudsters on disability then should not the diagnostic procedures and the diagnosing Drs be investigated?

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Message 18 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

The 2012 disability scales make it very very difficult for people to gain access to the DSP. Anxiety alone won't do it and the reason why people are granted DSP is because they lack the capacity to work in many cases due to the level of disability.  Look up the Adult Disability tool.  It is very difficult to get a score of over 25 ( I think it is, you will need to look for yourself) to be on DSP with no work component.


The problem is that years ago they put a lot of people on the DSP with few or no reviews, that is now changing with ever increasing reassessments and judging by the news will change to forcing younger recipients to be reassessed under the 2012 scales. These days you can be half dead and still not access it because your condition might improve.


But I think you have to look at the bigger picture, its all very well to push people with disabilities into gaining employment but the bottom line is it won't achieve anything if there are no jobs out there for them.  Do the math 140,000 jobs to 800,000 people looking for work according to ACOSS.  These jobs are going to magically appear where??? And who will employ a disabled person over someone with no disability? Very few I'd say.


Crikey I think the person you've mentioned is possibly an exception which is great.  But lets be realistic.  I read about a lady with 3 degrees in a wheelchair.  Highly capable but no one would give her work.  Why?  because no one wanted to have to make modifications to the work place.  Sadly there is also another group who really don't have the capacity to work, its just the reality.


The government isn't interested in helping to improve their quality of life lets look at the motivation here.  It's about saving a buck at the expense of the most vulnerable in this country.  There is no crisis, they are pandering to the high end of town.  Sadly it will result in more hatred and discrimination against the disabled because many are ignorant and ill informed forcing more into poverty and homelessness.  I think the media also has a role in this, they have added to the discrimination and bullying tactics of the government with some of their headlines.


As far as I am concerned our government is morally and ethically bankrupt.  It would cucify this countries poorest to satisfy the higher end of town.


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Message 35 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@poddster wrote:

Made harder for these people, a good idea dont you think?



The Department of Human Services says its hotline has received 1,116 Medicare-related tip-offs since July 1, 2013.

Officers have investigated 275 cases, which has translated into 34 cases submitted to the Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions and 12 convictions.

The value of those 12 cases adds up to an estimated $474,000, with fraudsters ripping off an average of almost $40,000 each."

WOW! 12 people out of how many?

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Message 36 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Well as the OP thread heading states:Australians with disabilities need some positive help.


Where is this 'help' then???? Because at the moment the proposed agenda of this coalition MOBSTER lot is to put this targeted group of people through absolute HELL.....again. Don't you think these people have already been through enough?

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Message 37 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

I agree paints there is no help.  The reality is the mps in their ivory towers really don't understand how to best help the disabled because they haven't taken time to understand the issues around disability.  I am all for people to have an opportunity to work but you have to support them in that,  Not plunge them into further poverty so they can't even afford a roof over their heads then say we want you to have a better quality of life....

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Message 40 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

It is possible to create your own job but you have to have the resources and brain power to do that. Most people in this situation are already facing extreme poverty.  It's just not as simple as that. 



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Message 52 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

12 convictions out of 1116 tip offs,poddy. That's just over 1%.Now what percentage of businesses,large or small,rip off the tax system?

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Message 54 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

haw haw.  NDIS promise obviously another broken promise.

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Message 56 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

But isn't that argument Crikey that there isn't a whole lot of support from the community when it comes to disability.  I think a lot of people do have the capacity to do so much more even those on DSP. But you have to give them a fair chance to do that which means communities, employers, services and governments work together to better lives.


They can barely afford to live. Where do they pull the resources to do more? I say support them properly, increase their pension, give them more incentive to get back into employment and have decent services in place to get them to a point where they don't need DSP or support.


But that isn't what the government is doing and that is the argument.  The method they are using is punishment, punishment, punishment.  They want to take away what little they have and plunge them into further hopelessness and further poverty.  The method is not right, its not providing a better quality of life its leaving them in a situation where its a recipe for disaster.


As for the independent doctors assessment what a joke.  These people have targets, they don't care about people.  They did the same thing in the UK to the detriment of the disabled there.


In saying that I am passionate about this subject but I want to see fairness at work, look at the capacity of people encourage them by all means to participate in the community and in the workforce but lets have some respect and dignity about it.  Let's not scaremonger them and put them through endless stress and reviews.  Crazy system


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Message 61 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

My son is 21 and has severe Autism and is unable to speak or co-ordinate his hands to do what he wants when he wants.  For example cannot use a keyboard or type or write on his own.  It is cruel to put the severely disabled through going to an indepenedent doctor to tell them the obvious.   OF COURSE HE CANNOT WORK, and its cruel to put us through this thoughtless medical reassessment.  What a load of rubbish...just rub his disability in his face again ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Message 84 of 118
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117 REPLIES 117

Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

what have you?

meaning?....pls expand

Message 2 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@paintsew007 wrote:

what have you?

meaning?....pls expand

It's not easy to get a job when you have a disability

Message 3 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help


That all you got?


Could sound ominous.

Nasty situation. Very nasty. Low even

....."People With a Disability Australia president Craig Wallace said there must be a focus on creating jobs.

And he has questioned how the Government can be considering changes before it has released a broader review of the welfare system by Patrick McClure.

"We haven't even seen the interim report of the McClure review, which is meant to provide a methodical and evidence-based approach," he said.


.....this coalition govt is not focused on creating jobs for anybody.....jus 'slash and cut'......let alone for people with disabilities.

Message 5 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Made harder for these people, a good idea dont you think?



The Department of Human Services says its hotline has received 1,116 Medicare-related tip-offs since July 1, 2013.

Officers have investigated 275 cases, which has translated into 34 cases submitted to the Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions and 12 convictions.

The value of those 12 cases adds up to an estimated $474,000, with fraudsters ripping off an average of almost $40,000 each."

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 6 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Made harder for these people, a good idea dont you think?


Offer them a job poddy, that is a good idea ๐Ÿ™‚ When can they start? What kind of job? How many jobs out there cater for these varied disabilities?

Message 7 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

....what about all the tax haven types in the big end of town???......what about all the international companies operating at a profit here in Oz then avoiding paying tax????



Surely both these avenues of stockpiling $'s would be energy better spent by this Coalition mobster lot than paying doctors and specialists - we are short of them so a lot of newly emigrated Drs and specialists will be rubbing their hands together, looking forward to this little lark!....(their 'mates' would have fully versed them on how to rort the system!!) - to reassess a few people?

Message 8 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

Donna why would I or anyone offer a job to fraudsters?


Arn't there enough of those already?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 9 of 118
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Re: Australians with disabilities need some positive help

@poddster wrote:

Donna why would I or anyone offer a job to fraudsters?


Arn't there enough of those already?

I was actually talking about people with disabilities, you can interview  fraudsters instead if you like, knock them back and that is all they will need to prove they have looked for work ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 10 of 118
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