on โ21-04-2020 10:40 AM
i'm sure a lot or most of you probably received the managed payments email this morning. in case you didn't, or missed here - ebay is rolling out managed payments later in the year with pre-registration opening shortly.
more info is located at https://sellercentre.ebay.com.au/managed-payments
on โ10-08-2020 10:17 AM
@11dustyattic wrote:
@south.coffee wrote:
Just like your employment, pay week finishes on Tuesday and then you have to wait till Friday for the money to roll up in your bank account. Throw in a Friday public holiday and your broke until Monday when the money finally turns up.
Instead of the bank using your cash on the short term money market while you starve, it will eBay profiting even more at our expense...Yes. Sickening. Add that to the money back guarantee they offer scammers lol on the seller's behalf, insanely high fees (real percentage on item disguised by charging on postage as well, therefore floating it under the radar), it's pure greed. I wonder which of their employees will refute this
OK a few solid facts rather than guesses or hyperbole.
I have just been checking out the terms and conditions for the most reputable global online book site for proffesional used book sellers. This is the site that enABEls you to buy BOOKS.
* They rank equelly or slightly higher than ebay in google searches.
* They ususlly have a LOT more copies of each book for sale ( not sure if this is a good or bad thing )
* As a specialist site for proffesional book sellers ( and experienced buyers ) rather than those just starting out, their prices are usualy double or triple those being asked on ebay for the same book.
* Biggest downside - you would need to add a lot more detail to listings. Time is money and extra time spent listing will cost the seller big time.
OK so what are the fees charged.
* A monthly store fee of between U.S. $25 ( 500 listings ) - around U.S. $40 ( up to 10,000 listings ) so $35-$55 Australian. ie. Slightly more expensive than ebay.
* A flat commision fee of 8% on total sale price including postage cost. Very similar to ebay, depending on your store catagory..
* Minimum transaction fee of of U.S. 50 cents ( 65 cents Australian )
* A 5.5 % payment collection fee which includes credit card transaction fees. I gather this is quite a bit higher than ebays.
All up it looks to me that this site will work out slightly more expensive than ebay. ( but heck yer I must work for ebay..... )
on โ10-08-2020 11:29 AM
@11dustyattic wrote:
Confronting isn't it? History shows the devastating result of that very behavior, so don't you be judging me for making a decision not only for me but for the better good of everyone, in a broader sense for the future of mankind. Make your own decisions, have a contingency plan, don't just fall in and do whatever you're told. That mindset scares me. It should scare you.
I hate this site anyway, it's like writing an open cheque for scammers with Ebay supporting them every step of the way. The fees on postage is just a joke and people are so dumb they don't realise how that escalates their fees on the item itself, as designed by Ebay. They count on those using the site not being the sharpest tools in the shed
So it's not exactly a hardship for me
Why are you still here then? Generally if I hate something, I walk away from it.
on โ10-08-2020 12:10 PM
@11dustyattic wrote:
Confronting isn't it? History shows the devastating result of that very behavior, so don't you be judging me for making a decision not only for me but for the better good of everyone, in a broader sense for the future of mankind.
Judge you?
I asked you why you're assuming others didn't make the choice for themselves, and judging them for it. I was highlighting the fact that someone can be very well aware of all of eBay's pitfalls and shortcomings, but still make a decision to use the site to reach their particular goals.
You'll notice I didn't use any words that make an assessment of your intelligence or decision making skills - that's something you've been doing, and I was asking you why.
It appears, though, that you just have a weird superiority complex over your decision not to use eBay anymore, and you're just hanging out because you want to strut that decision around like a... peacock. If you can't engage in good faith conversation on the matter, I'd clearly just be wasting my time trying. So here, maybe this will make you feel better:
All hail the mighty dusty, decision making king and saviour of the lemmings...eventually, I guess... somehow?
on โ10-08-2020 01:08 PM
on โ10-08-2020 01:17 PM
on โ10-08-2020 01:29 PM
@kryptonite-cure-crystals wrote:
Ebay- If you actually read these discussions, I am already frantically searching for an alternative site to sell on and have resumed creating my own webpage again. I believe you simply are getting too greedy. You created paypal, forced it upon us. Then sold it... now are cutting them out so you can charge their fee also. If the billions in profit you are already making is not adequate enough, then it will never be. And this is only the beginning of a fee nightmare for all of us sellers...
They don't read here.
on โ10-08-2020 03:01 PM
@kryptonite-cure-crystals wrote:
You created paypal, forced it upon us. Then sold it...
Nope :-
Just a tip when posting on the boards, use paragraphs - large blocks of text are very hard to read, and many people will not bother to wade through it......
on โ10-08-2020 03:10 PM
@tazzieterror wrote:
@kryptonite-cure-crystals wrote:
Ebay- If you actually read these discussions, I am already frantically searching for an alternative site to sell on and have resumed creating my own webpage again. I believe you simply are getting too greedy. You created paypal, forced it upon us. Then sold it... now are cutting them out so you can charge their fee also. If the billions in profit you are already making is not adequate enough, then it will never be. And this is only the beginning of a fee nightmare for all of us sellers...They don't read here.
Awww, geez Tazzie, I'm disappointed. I thought Sandy would be along with her usual spiel, but you beat her to it.
"Ebay don't read here, we are just fellow buyers and sellers like yourself".
"What would you like fellow buyers and sellers to do about this?"
I think they should be made into macros (I think that's what they're called).
on โ10-08-2020 03:28 PM
@kryptonite-cure-crystals wrote:
I pay the Express postage fee of $11.95 to $24.70 via my Au.post business account using Paypal. Now I have to upfront all these costs via my bank account and will not receive the payment for at least 4-5 days
You can always change your payment method on Auspost Busness to a credit card & cover that when you receive payment without paying interest on the card.
on โ11-08-2020 08:03 AM
Don't despair,
I did an experiment a year ago and stopped selling here and went to the other tree place owned by ebay and also to zuckerberg site - has never been better - more money i my pocket and the only time i got scammed was when i accepted paypal which i cut out promptly. No fees no stupid feedback no scammers no silly dsr's no pathetic managed payments.
Ebay unfortunately is just an old fashioned way to sell.
I can undercut sellers here and still make profit.
It's now getting to the stage where people cannot find what they are looking for here because the sellers have left - many of my sales people will say i searched everywhere and the only place i can find it is here (where i sell) some have demanded paypal and then after a few days they come back and say i couldn't find this anywhere and am happy to pay direct deposit
Oddly enough i get so many offers on gtree from ebay- 'sell this item on ebay - reach more buyers/fee free for 30 days etc' - i just cry all the way to the bank as they make it sound like i'm missing out - heck i even make some small amounts from postage and have never had a package go missing.
Ebay is much better suited for big business like kmart etc who can afford to get scammed a few times and build in loss to their sales.
These days i use ebay to source cheap stock as sellers often seem desparate here to make any sale.
Criticism aside i think this place will operate for a long time but not so much for mum and dad type sellers