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Seller Centre has answers you can trust for all your selling questions.
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I had a seller in the US contact me to say that their payment had not gone through PayPal. Yet, on my account it was definitely paid. When I enquired with PayPal I was told that sellers were not being paid until they had proof of delivery. This was s...
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the Hot Deals that keeps popping up on my screen? It is VERY annoying!
From 1 January 2015, wireless microphones must not be used in the 694–820 MHz frequency range. Visit for information about this change. As a ‘plug and play’ user, this fact sheet provides general advice to help you dec...
like this instead of HTML ---> 1525 ‹Ô\isÛ8“þœýNM&©]Š:}ÅRÊñ <--- I mean i can see Seller's listing and no problem accessing the rest, but when i come to check My page, its all messed up. I'm totally ziltch why this is happening. Can anyone help?
I get this at least 15 times a day. Go to leave feedback - failGo to add tracking number - failClick on my ebay - failTry another browser - failReboot PC - failCross fingers, legs, toes, and hold tongue to north direction and hit F5 - fail eBay I'm s...
beware of survey offering free products such as hydroderm or lotto tickets and using ebay logo. they are good at milking credit cards for no product maybe ebay could do something to stop this practice .they seem to appear only when using ebay.
Can any one tell me how I can stop getting Store-Newsletters even when I've deleted all links in my profile page?
Your email advertising headed "Don't break your Nan's heart is offensive. I was recently devastated by the loss of my grandmother. Many members will have lost both their grandmothers and your cheap adverytising stunt is insensitive and it dirties you...
I was told I would receive an email with directions of how to close my decreased sons ebay account. I received a ebay message with link instead which don't work using an iPad. I need an email address or AUSTRALIAN fax number to forward the documents ...
I have just spent a very frustrating hour trying to contact ebay via either email or phone to sort out an urgent account issue - only to find that they have yet again changed the system and it is now apparently impossible to either phone or email cus...
I received an email today supposedly from Ebay saying I would be able to get $25 off my next purchase using the code V7PQJNB5V9E84Y3W. Is it true or is it a scam as I can't find anything about it on the Ebay site. Cheers, Elizabeth Cameron (gibbs 450...
Has anyone had their 'selling' page divert to this link...? It redirects and hijacks to this page and it comes up w...
No matter what I try I can NOT get ANYTHING to work on ebay, I cant acces the "my ebay" feature, or see anything related to my account, I cant pay for the item im trying to buy or see any previously brought items, I keep getting greated with "your pr...